Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Assessment For Learning

So what the heck is assessment For learning, we ask ourselves? We have often heard it referred to as Formative assessment. Formative assessment is not an instrument or event, but a collection of practices with a common feature: they all improve learning in some way! (Jan Chappuis 2004, p.4).
As teachers, we are always gathering data and evidence on our students, and this type of assessment gives us a real insight into how our students are learning, and how we can push their thinking, or support them in a concept. Some of the most powerful information gathered from assessment for learning are stated in Chappuis's book "Seven Strategies of Assessment for Learning" They are under three headings and are as follows:
  • Where am I going?
  • Strategy 1: Give students a clear understanding of the learning target
        •       Strategy 2: Use examples of strong and weak work
        • Where am I now?
        • Strategy 3: Offer regular feedback
        • Strategy 4: Teach students to self-assess and set goals (self-regulation)
        • How can I close the gap?
        • Strategy 5: Lessons are designed to focus on one learning goal or aspect of quality at a time
        • Strategy 6: Teach students focused revision (or going back to check their work in math)
        • Strategy 7: Students self-reflect, as well as sharing their learning and learning from others.
        • http://www.assessmentinst.com/author/jan-chappuis/
The book is full of great strategies to use, but the main idea is that we are focused in our lessons because we know what the students need!
More next time!

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