Monday, 28 March 2011

Assessment-Prior Learning

Hi all,

Our discussion begins with assessing what the students know. Why use this type of assessement? As you know, our students arrive in our classrooms with a variety of skills and abilities. We ask ourselves daily (if not hourly), how can I teach to all their needs?
One way is to test their prior knowledge. There are a variety of ways you can do this (and we are the professionals in the class, so choose a way that works for you and your students).
Some ideas:
  • Manipulatives: If you are working on place value, you could give ten frames, base ten blocks, etc and have the students show what they do with them anecdotal records can be taken on students math processing and communication
  • Grafitti activity-    students write down on chart paper all that they know about a concept (what I know about measurement, fractions etc) Post these so that the students can see what each other know
  • Conferencing- This will allow teachers to probe students in their math thinking, to clarify ideas, challenge their ideas if misconceptions are evident, as well as push the students to math concepts they are ready to explore.
These are just a few ways to complete a diagnostic assessment with your students. It would be fantastic if you could add to these ideas.
Next time: Assessment For Learning (Now we're cooking with gas!)
PS- The book is Seven Strategies of Assessment For Learning by Jan Chappuis

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